
How To Get Red Lips Naturally

Naturally red lips are one of the ornaments of beauty. Do you want to know how to have natural red lips? In this article you will find tips ...

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How To Be An Awesome Blogger

Hello there, I'm writing this guide all from the goodness of my heart. This guide will show you how to be a unique blogger and not only earning from being unique but how to get adsense approval as an added benefit from being unique, although I'm not very unique myself but when you do something original then you're said to be unique. Also, i'm going to be dropping some bulletproof tips on how to protect your uniqueness from copy ninja bloggers. 

Well, this days the internet is filled with competition and you have to be really unique if you want to stand out in the crowd, so i'm going to be sharing some tips with you that will help you in being a unique blogger, well this is a science and tech community and i'm not supposed to be too biased about blogging in particular so if you own a forum or are a content creator then this guide is also for you. 
I see alot of bloggers copying other people blogging style , while this is or may not be bad at the moment, you may be destroying your blog in the long run and you might not build a rock-like name for yourself or your brand, well most of you might be thinking, what does being unique have to do with earning from my blog, making a good brand name etc, well this is not particularly a how to earn guide you see all the time on the Internet, but how to be a unique blogger/how to make your website unique and also enjoying the benefits of being unique.. 

Benefits of being unique 
Before i give you some of my ideas on how to be a unique blogger or content creator, i'll be listing some few great benefits of being a unique blogger:

- Returning visitors 
You'll get tons of returning visitors, people like experiencing a different feel and style, since you'll be unique, you will always offer fresh contents daily to your visitors and they'll always come back for more to taste that freshness. 

- SEO 
I feel so horrible when i see some people talking about SEO like they know too much about it, i don't know too much about it myself but i know some of the important core aspects of seo which includes having great unique contents.. 
Well through my research i found out that being unique is why this big sites you know today are so popular on search engines, and site age is a huge factor too(unique contents + site age = tons of unique contents) , e.g nairaland has been around for a long time now and they have a huge reserve of unique contents, this is what google really likes and being unique will reflect positively on your SEO nothing really special there, but having to do a bit optimization will be great but not as great as having unique contents. 

- Ad networks will want you 
Yes, i said it, what ad network on earth will reject your application when you offer unique contents? they'll want to work with you because you offer value for their advertisers.. 

- You'll earn 10x than before 
You want to know why? as i stated above when you offer unique stuffs to your users/readers, your seo becomes better and if you're using adsense we all know how traffic coming directly from Google can be very worth full especially. 

You'll be a source and inspiration to many bloggers, professional and upcoming 
Being unique couldn't be any better, other bloggers who you motivate unknowingly will not only visit your blog to copy your stuffs, but will look upto you as a mentor and key motivator. 

Okay those are the best benefits i can remember for now, you'll see some other benefits when you start practicing the art of uniqueness of which I'm about to share with you now:

Be you! 

I know they are millions of blogs out there and it's pretty much harder to be yourself this days as you tend to get drifted to the copy system or try to follow someone else's footsteps which might be the blogging style of that person or the niche that person uses, this is not good, because you're not only building a clone but you're killing your potential as a blogger. Choose a niche you know how to handle, well if you have read up to this point and you're really interested in being a unique blogger i must assume you're no longer a copy blogger because the whole point of this guide will be defeated if you still copy people's stuffs and use them to gain traffic to your site, if you're doing this and your site/blog hasn't been penalized yet, you have to take a positive step and stop now because sooner or later your blog or site won't be relevant anymore as Google is still working greatly to put an end to non-unique sites or blogs.
It's not bad to have someone you look up to like a role model but that doesn't mean you have to copy his/her style of blogging, niche or contents. You might never reach your full potential this way or even as close to an average unique blogger e.g we have Lindaikeji, so many girls look upto her as a big inspiration, and try to copy her, forgetting the fact that she started in the times where blogging was not popular amongst us and they were less competition, this was a great advantage that she utilized. 

Well in this present age, uniqueness (creativity and style) is what makes you stand out among your competitors. 

Start writing.. 
Okay, this is the most important part of this guide.. 
This might feel exhaustive and difficult at first, but the more you write the better you become at writing very detailed and unique articles, just like when you lift weights your muscles get bigger and stronger. One thing i judge pretty importantly is the level to which you can compel your readers with your writing, you can practice by writing really long articles with what i call the snail technique, Note: i made this up myself while writing this so don't bother looking it up on Google... ;) 
Nevertheless i'm not using the snail technique here lol, but it helps alot in being unique. below i'll explain the snail technique.

Snail technique 

The snail technique is basically a method that makes your posts longer and unique. So it's simple, you just have to break down your one line sentences to 3-4 line, this way you'll be writing unique and longer posts with more details, this is a good path to follow if you're starting out as a writer, you can't imagine how much content you'll have with this technique.. example of a snail technique: you'll write "There are some very good benefits of blogging which are very important in building a good reputation and socialization among your readers" instead of "blogging is good for you in general". 

So you're writing an innovative post and you ran out of ideas? well you're not alone, it happens to me too and alot of other bloggers around, you can use Google to find out what might be related to what you're writing and read through some articles with similar ideas as you, from then on you can get a glimpse of what you want to do. 
[Tip] You can also read an interesting article and make out your own opinion from it and put it into writing, this is not infringement in anyway as long as you put in alot of creativity, style and grace to your writing. 

How to earn from being unique 
Finally, what comes to mind when you become unique with all those great content of yours? monetization! 
Here are some adnetworks to consider:
Google Adsense 
Yahoo's media.net 
You'll not be having problems with approval if you follow this guide wholeheartedly, infact just 3 highly unique blog posts will give you a shot at getting approved by this major adnetworks even though your blog is a day old.. 

You VS copy ninja's 
Copying is bad, or even worse: without taking permission from the content creator/owner. 
This can be very hurtful to the content creator especially when the copy-ninja ranks higher than you with that which they copied from you, very sad isn't it? you can still try the parachronistic/antiquated method (sorry for the big grammer there i just learned that) of contacting the ninja and challenging him/her to take down your content or you'll show hin your real fighting skills.. If they disagree then you can always take a bold step and protect what's rightfully yours by reporting to Google.

Google takes necessary actions on the violating site and deletes the site from search, some ninjas even go as far as monetizing with your content, if they use adsense, you can click the adchoices logo on the ad and report the violations.. So you see, it's all good. Good luck on being a unique blogger, content creator, webmaster etc.. 



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