Naturally red lips are one of the ornaments of beauty. Do you want to know how to have natural red lips? In this article you will find tips for having natural red lips. Read on and find best home remedies for having natural red lips. You will also find tips for maintaining your natural red lips. If you can recall, we talked on How To Get Pink Lips Naturally the other time around. But today we will talk on making it redish not pinky. Fun? Lips are said to be the second point of attraction on any woman’s face after eyes. Lips do get older along with you and your skin. But if you want to keep your lips luscious and naturally red, you will have to spend some time and put in your effort.
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There are natural ways by which you can make your lips look younger, bigger and red. Everyone, especially women long to have red lips. However, there are many factors that take away the natural redness of your lips. With the natural tips you can restore the plumpness and young looks and this you can do by making it soft and sensual. One of the facts is that red lips do depend a lot of genetics, but you can treat them to look red also. So, without spending a lot on cosmetics, you can have red lips and that too by following natural methods.
Tips to Have Natural Red Lips
Extract ginger juice and mix it with the yolk of a village chicken’s egg. Have this with your breakfast every day. You will see the difference in no time. If your lips are allergic to lipsticks, you can add egg yolk and honey to green coconut water and drink daily. Apply few drops of olive oil mixed with honey or sugar on your lips. Make sure your lips are free of lipstick. Rub the mixture gently on your lips and then wash it off. Make paste of a beetroot and apply on your lips. Wash it after half an hour and you will find the instant and natural redness in your lips. Increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not lick your lips often. This will make it dry and pale. Use a lip moisturiser during daytime, especially when you go out. Make sure the moisturiser has sunscreen. Make a paste by mixing 1 tablespoon of sugar with olive oil, coconut oil or cocoa butter. Brush your lips with this mixture constantly for 30 seconds and then wash them off. Use lip balms that contain Vitamin E, almond, shea butter or jojoba. If you use this balm regularly, you will be able to preserve the softness of your lips. Massaging your lips with coconut oil daily will reduce fine lines and wrinkles on it.
Read Also: How To Get Beautiful Glowing Skin
Tips To Avoid Darkened Lips
To maintain your natural red lips, you need to prevent darkening of lips. Have a quick look at some tips for preventing dark lips. If your lips have blackened, you can apply toothpaste on it before taking bath. It will get lightened in few days. Quit smoking immediately, if you smok. Avoid using lipstick for too long time as well as using too much of lipstick or its frequent use should also be avoided.
Clean your lips of any lipstick and apply honey on it everyday at bedtime. Besides all these tips, it is very important you take care of your lips daily to save it from getting cracked, thin or chapped. Remember, loss of moisture make the lips flaky, dry or cracked.
Along with moisturising your skin you need to exfoliate your lips regularly.
If you are not gifted with beautiful lips, you can even create an illusion of having fuller lips by applying right kind and way of lip makeup. Use the make up tips that are helpful for you in making your lips look luscious on special occasions.
Causes Of Wrinkles and How To Eliminate It
"As we age, our skin loses moisture and elasticity, making it prone to wrinkles. Dermatologists have many tools for tackling those little lines that mark the passage of time. They include prescription creams, chemical peels, and Botox. But perhaps the best option is to protect your skin just as it is." Quoted from Wikihow
Wrinkles and wisdom, that's what age brings with it. Though we are eager for the latter, it' not the same case with the former. Yes, wrinkles do occur on the faces of aging individuals but there over a dozen reason why it's case can be worsening or maybe a bit too much I can say, and you need to look into these causes of wrinkles and try minimizing it's effects on your face.
You chew Gum.
It's very rare nowadays you find people not chewing gum, not just cause of it's sweet inclusion (I like it too, don't worry, it isn't wrong) but, as an aging person, chewing gum makes your face forms different shapes.
"For frequent chewers, those formations end up resulting in a downward turn in the corners of the mouth, as well as a pronounced muscle at the bottom of the jawline," says Joel Schlessinger, MD, board-certified dermatologist and CEO of, and these forms are in-reversible, meaning you stand no chance of clearing those indifferent forms and becomes part of your face, and becomes your wrinkle. So, you need to reduce/totally stop chewing gums, though breath mint is not a problem.
2. You smoke?
Yes, smoking restricts blood flow in the body and that is just one of the many harmful things smoking does and makes your face lack the nutrient and required oxygen to stay healthy and regenerate. The chemicals present in ciggaretes tears the skin fibres and it's elastin making the skin forming lines around the mouth and nose parts. It's recommended you quit smoking at an aging stage to avoid having your face filled up with wrinkles.
3. Don't sleep on Your Stomach.
Actually sleeping on your stomach isn't a bad idea, I do that alot. Obviously that can't be the same case for aging people, constantly pushing on your face which your pillow does, causes permanent wrinkles says Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas, MD, PhD, a New York City-based dermatologist. Even frowning while sleeping is a main cause of wrinkles, so it's very much recommended you sleep on your back, or find a pillow and balance it one where you will place your head and once just below where your knees will be placed. This will make your body more balanced and guarantees you a wrinke-free face.
4. You are addicted to sugar.
Yip! Sugar, you do love sugar, research shows over 40% of food intakes per day consist of sugar. Hitting the table to have your favourite meal, cup of tea, or your work-hour coffee, does awful harmful things to your bloodstream and these damages the collagen and elastin, fibres which keeps your skin firm and tight. So reducing your daily sugar intakes to less than 10% doesn't sound like a bad idea, and focusing more on vegetables and vitamins sounds like a great idea to me and it will be devastatingly effective in making your face wrinkle-free.
You can't live without your smartphones, and have a look at it this way, you stare down on your mobile screen for hours, maybe days (addictive) probably you've already seen the side effects like strained eyes, sore neck, but it does'nt just stops there.
You place your head downward too much, including stubborn neck wrinkles, says Schlessinger. He did mentioned, "trying to view your screens in a more ergonomic way (that tablet stand you never use, perhaps) to lessen your chance of lines."
So it's recommended you reduce your addictiveness to smartphones, or develop a more comprehensive and stress-free way of using it without side-effects, and your face will be considerably wrinke-free in no time.
6. Protect your skin from the sun.
As we age, your skin's ability to regain begins to favour the path of developing wrinkles, a study found that a skin that had not been exposed to sun had about 3,800 genetic mutations, while a skin that had been exposed, had about 10,000 genetic mutations, let vanity persuade you if the risks of skin cancer doesn't. You can use sunscreen, sunblocks or use a hat as an improvisation when exposing your skin to the sun. It's a very healthy way of keeping the skin wrinkle-free.
7. Remove Makeup before sleeping.
If you really want a wrinkle-free face, you should look into getting rid of your makeup before you go to bed. The makeup clashes with the environmental pollutants you been in contact with, directly or indirectly. Sleeping with your makeup speeds the aging process and leaves your face with bunch of lines. Cleanse and exterminate your face before going to bed at all times. You should carry out this step even if you do not apply makeup, because washing the face with water before sleeping makes your face smooth and moist, thereby keeping you safe from wrinkles.
9 Ways To Lose Weight
How about you lose weight without even noticing it? Yes, you don't necesserily have to go on a diet or specific regimen to lose weight and have your body slim and fit.
You might perhaps have to tweak what you do daily a bit, but in no way is that related to you going on a diet, because we are discussing on tips to
Read Labels.
It is vital you learn to read labels on food items to know how much of calories is contained in it. Don't buy snacks and forget to keep your calories level at a balanced ratio, read the numbers on the item wrapper.
Note though, not all numbers labelled are correct, so you should learn to keep your intakes at a steady swirve.
2. Eat Some Snacks.
Train yourself to eat something between now and 3 hours. Trying to force yourself to be contempt while hungry will one hurt none other but yourself. Get some snacks, but as I said before, read the labels and know how much of calorie you are actually taking.
Losing weight fast, without going on a diet does requires you know what you are eating and how it affects the body.
3. Take more grains
Grains, vegetables and fruits not only provide you protein to enrich your body and enhance your immune system against diseases, but also, helps you in reducing weight.
Naturally, grains, veggies and fruits are low on calories, so you can take them as much as you want, plus, whole grains contains fibre, which makes you fuller (thereby you don't eat food all the time without actually being hungry). In turn, reducing your weight while you gain more protection from diseases.! It's a win-win situation.
4. Don't skip meals.
Foods are the main reason I have this huge belle of mine, how about I just cut the crap and skip this meal anyway? Seems about going to reduce my weight the fastest...
NO! NO!! NO!!!
You are only torturing yourself by skipping meals and pretending to be full while being hungry. Express yourself, because skipping foods only thus increases your weight. Let me explain.
I skip my meal now. Obviously am hungry, I then skip my next meal too. Let's face it, I feel like crying cause of hunger but my mind tells me am going to lose weight so I hold on a bit.
Next up, I really can't stand it, open the refrigerator, grap a roasted chicken, some drinks, order a pizza from McDonalds.
I start eating these food items, even when I'm full you can expect me to take a few bites again.
Guess what I do next?
Because I am full and after taking this excess food in a matter of minutes, my body is heavy, I don't even feel I can stand up. So I lie there on the bed.
Yes, I just slept immediately after having a meal, while skipping 2 of my daily meals. While you did force yourself to be hungry, at the time you can't stand the hunger, the amount of food you then take nearly doubles the amount of food you should have taken in the first place (Your Daily Meals).
Solution: Take Your Meals.
Don't try and manueover from it, it's your best bet to lose weight.
5. Drink Water, Lots Of Water.
You'll be suprised on the several ways water helps in reducing weight.
Water helps alleviate bloathing, you'll be amazed of how much money you can save by ditching soda and sticking to water for weight lost.
You don't necesserily have to take colourless, odourless, and tasteless water all the time, there are drinks with flavours and low amount of sugar that you can take as substitutes for water, if taken water is by any means a problem to you.
There is no secret behind it, water is one of the best ways you can lose kgs of weight without investing in it
6. Flex The Body a bit
Get moving, take a walk often, a 30-40 minutes jog will be great too.
Exercising the body releases the fat from your body thus making your body slim and fit.
Don't be lazy, walk down the stairs at times forget about the elevator for some time.
When you are going to your favourite groceries stores, have your dog or cat beside you and walk to it, you don't have to ride with the car all the time. Flex the body, don't keep it jam-packed.
8. Dip more ice on your drinks.
Drinking cool substances helps warm up your body more. In turn, burning your calories and reducing weight.
9. Have some rest.
You don't need to be a genious to crack this one, because stress only increases your weight. For that, have some rest, sleep.
Resting is one of the best ways to lose weight, albeit if you do exercise before you go to bed.
NOTE: Don't sleep immediately after eating, walk a bit, jump and mobilize the body. It's vital you do this, because sleeping after taking food increases your weight tremendously.
American Billionaire and Republican Presidential Front-runner, Donald Trump, has shot a subtle warning to the Nigerian Community in the United States, after he said all Nigerians would be made to leave the country “when he becomes President”.
He made the “threat” during a rally at Wichita, Kansas. According to Donald Trump, Nigerians ad Mexicans have taken all the jobs meant for honest hard working Americans.
“To Make America great again, we need to get rid of the Muslims, Mexicans and the Africans, especially the Nigerians. They take all our jobs, jobs meant for honest hard working Americans, and when we don’t give them the jobs, the Muslims blow us up”, Trump said.
“We need to get the Africans out. Not the blacks, the Africans. Especially the Nigerians. They’re everywhere. I went for a rally in Alaska and met just one African in the entire state. Where was he from? Nigeria! He’s in Alaska taking our jobs. They’re in Houston taking our jobs. Why can’t they stay in their own country? Why? I’ll tell you why. Because they are corrupt. Their Governments are so corrupt, they rob the people blind and bring it all here to spend. And their people run away and come down here and take our jobs! We can’t have that! If I become president, we’ll send them all home. We’ll build a wall at the Atlantic Shore. Then maybe we’ll re-colonize them because obviously they did not learn a damn thing from the British!”
His speech was met with raucous applause by the 10,000 strong predominantly Caucasian audience. What this portends for Nigeria in the event of the Trump victory is still unclear, but the Nigerian Ambassador to the US has so far allayed fears of all Nigerians living in the USA, although we gather he has secretly packed his bags and is set to move to Mexico or Canada if Trump becomes President...
He made the “threat” during a rally at Wichita, Kansas. According to Donald Trump, Nigerians ad Mexicans have taken all the jobs meant for honest hard working Americans.
“To Make America great again, we need to get rid of the Muslims, Mexicans and the Africans, especially the Nigerians. They take all our jobs, jobs meant for honest hard working Americans, and when we don’t give them the jobs, the Muslims blow us up”, Trump said.
“We need to get the Africans out. Not the blacks, the Africans. Especially the Nigerians. They’re everywhere. I went for a rally in Alaska and met just one African in the entire state. Where was he from? Nigeria! He’s in Alaska taking our jobs. They’re in Houston taking our jobs. Why can’t they stay in their own country? Why? I’ll tell you why. Because they are corrupt. Their Governments are so corrupt, they rob the people blind and bring it all here to spend. And their people run away and come down here and take our jobs! We can’t have that! If I become president, we’ll send them all home. We’ll build a wall at the Atlantic Shore. Then maybe we’ll re-colonize them because obviously they did not learn a damn thing from the British!”
His speech was met with raucous applause by the 10,000 strong predominantly Caucasian audience. What this portends for Nigeria in the event of the Trump victory is still unclear, but the Nigerian Ambassador to the US has so far allayed fears of all Nigerians living in the USA, although we gather he has secretly packed his bags and is set to move to Mexico or Canada if Trump becomes President...
How To Get Rid Of Dark Spot On Your Face
Dark spots Also Known As Hyper-pigmentation, is a skin condition that results from an accumulation of dark pigments underneath the skin. This condition can occur on any part of the body and can occur at any given time from your younger days to your olden ages.
Hyper-pigmentation can occur on all skin colors,they are mostly common on black or brown skin due to the high level of melanin presents in the body.
The first step in keeping dark spots under check is by knowing what causes them. By knowing the courses,you would be able to treat dark spots.
What Causes Dark Spot On The Face?
When the body produces excess amount of Melanin, its tends to cause dark spot on your face.
Other cases of abnormal production of this pigment can be triggered by several things including:
In many instances, pimples heal and leave behind dark spots. This is because all pimples place stress on the pores of the skin. This stress causes the body to produce more melanin than it normally would.
The production of melanin is further increased when one starts squeezing or irritating the pimples.When the melanin reaches excess amounts, dark spots form after the pimples fade off.
*Exposure to Sun Rays
UV rays tend to trigger the production of melanin. Therefore, staying under the sun for long periods of time without any form of sunglass can trigger the production of enough melanin to set off patches of dark spots.
According to a recent study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, the light waves from light bulbs affect the skin in the same way UV rays do.
This type of hyper-pigmentation is referred to as melasma and it tends to flare up when one is exposed to the sun. Therefore, you can easily avoid hyper-pigmentation from developing when undergoing hormonal changes by simply using sunscreen or staying away from sun.
How to Get Rid of Dark Spots on The Face With Home Remedies
Lemon/Lime Juice
Both lime and lemon are loaded with citric acid. Citric acid helps remove dead cells and stimulates the growth of new cells thus giving you healthier lighter skin.
This skin lightening benefit of citric acid helps to alleviate a variety of skin problems ranging from dark spots to acne scars and even uneven skin tone. Additionally, lemon and lime contain vitamin C, which also has the ability of lightening dark spots.
Using lemon/lime juice to treat dark spots is very easy and only requires you to:
Squeeze out the juice of a fresh lemon/lime.
Dip a cotton ball into the juice and rub it directly on the affected areas.
Allow the juice to stay on the skin for about 10 minutes and rinse off with water.
Lemon/lime juice is highly effective and can deliver noticeable results in just 2 weeks of daily application. Unfortunately, this home remedy option is not for everyone due to the acidic nature of these 2 fruits.
When applied to sensitive skin, citric acid can cause tingling sensations, reddening of the skin, slight burning on the skin, or other skin irritations. As mentioned earlier, irritations to the skin trigger increased production of melanin and this can worsen existing dark spots. Therefore, make sure to test the effects of citric acid on your skin before applying it onto the dark spot affected areas.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera offers one of the best ways of dealing with all sorts of skin problems ranging from rashes, to burns, to dark spots.
Aloe vera also features moisturizing capabilities. Therefore, in addition to helping eliminate dark spots, aloe vera nourishes your skin making it healthy and beautiful.
Another great natural remedy for getting rid of dark spots is tomato. Tomatoes are loaded with antioxidants, which are well known for their skin nourishing benefits.
With continued use, the antioxidants in tomatoes will completely eliminate dark spots from your skin. Any other anti-oxidant rich foods such as green tea and oats, will work just as well as tomato.
Application Methods:
When using tomatoes, you can simply apply tomato slices onto your dark spots and leave them on for 15 minutes before rinsing with water.
Alternatively, you can make this home remedy option even more effective by:
Mixing half a teaspoon of tomato juice with a teaspoon of honey or any of the other mentioned home remedies.
Apply the mixture onto affected skin, leave it for 15 minutes, and then wash off.
Buttermilk contains lactic acid, which gradually reduces skin pigmentation while brightening and toning your overall complexion. This acid also helps to slough off dead skin cells thus reducing the appearance of spots on the skin.
Application Methods:
Using buttermilk is as simple as applying it directly on hyper-pigmentation affected skin, leaving it on for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinsing off with water.
Since buttermilk is available in most grocery stores, you’ll not have to prepare it yourself. However, if you prefer to make your own buttermilk, these are the steps to take:
Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice to a cup of low fat milk.
Let the mixture stand at room temperature for 15minutes and you will have yourself a cup of fresh buttermilk.
The pulp of watermelon contains several nutrients that help reduce sun damaged skin spots.
Circumin, the active ingredient in turmeric gives this spice antioxidant properties that assist in the elimination of dark spots.
Almond Oil
Contains a combination unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and phytosterols that even out the skin tone giving dark spots a lighter appearance.
Therefore, make sure to start using this home remedy option as soon as you notice the appearance of dark spots on your skin. The earlier you start, the easier and quicker it will be to get rid of those dark spots on your face.
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Arms Deal: Buhari Ready To Hear GEJ Out – Presidency
Adesina made the disclosure in an interview with The Punch on Saturday, January 16.
According to him, President Buhari believes in civility, and at such he would give former president Jonathan listening ears.
President Buhari will grant ex-president Goodluck Jonathan audience, should he sought to make clarifications in view of the $2.1billion arms deal scandal which is under investigation.
He said: “A former President should always have access to a sitting one. It would be uncouth and indecent to shut out a former occupant of such lofty office. If some people did it to their predecessors in the past, it is not this President who believes in decency and civility.
“Yes, President Buhari will always grant audience to former President Jonathan, if there is any request for such. A rebuff does not come into the picture at all.”
Also speaking with media outfit, a top government official on the condition of anonymity said that the Jonathan had tried to reach out to the National Security Adviser, Babagana Mongunu.
The source, however, said he did not know if Jonathan had succeeded in establishing a contact.
“I know that the former President has been trying to reach the NSA. Whether he has succeeded, I do not know. You can ask the NSA himself,” he said.
Buhari had on Friday, January 15,
directed the EFCC to carry out further investigation into the alleged misconduct established against some retired and serving officers of the Nigerian Air Force and Nigerian Army.
According to the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Mallam Garba Shehu, the directive from President Buhari was based on the recommendation of the committee established to audit the procurement of arms and equipment in the Armed Forces and Defence sector from 2007 to 2015.
Those to be probed include: Air Chief Marshal AS Badeh (Rtd), Air Marshal MD Umar (Rtd), Air Marshal AN Amosu (Rtd), Maj-Gen. ER Chioba (Rtd), AVM IA Balogun (Rtd), AVM AG Tsakr (Rtd), AVM AG Idowu (Rtd), AVM AM Mamu, AVM OT Oguntoyinbo and AVM T Omenyi.
Others are AVM JB Adigun, AVM RA Ojuawo, AVM JA Kayode-Beckley, Air Cdre SA Yushau (Rtd), Air Cdre AO Ogunjobi, Air Cdre GMD Gwani, Air Cdre SO Makinde, Air Cdre AY Lassa, Col N Ashinze, Lt Col. MS Dasuki (Rtd)
In its first interim report, the Committee on Audit of Defence Equipment established that the sum N643bn and $2.1bn interventions were received for procurements by DHQ and the services between 2007 and 2015.
The audit report was said to have detailed the huge fraud in the procurement of arms which sparked President Muhammadu Buhari’s order to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to investigate the role played by several retired and serving officers as well as civilian contractors.
The report showed that the audit committee started work at the end of August 2015, and looked at the procurement of weapons and equipment for the period from 2007 to 2015.
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1. Mrs. Kemi Solade died of
A. cancer B. shock C. ovarian cancer D. hypertension
2. ________is the principal of Sy. Catherine School
A. Mr Mallum B. Mrs Obanje C. Mr Vann D. Mr Tade
3. Efua can be described as
A. arrogant B. liar B. unfortunate and victim of circumstances D. spoilt child
4. ________ is fond of Jimi and called him by his full name Akinjimi
A. Risikat B. Mama Silifat C. Funmi D. Aunt Moni
5. ________ violated and sexually harassed Efua
A. Jimi Solade B. Jolly Stephens C. Efua's stepfather D. Ansa Izaegbegbe
6. _______ is nicknamed cane by the student
A. Mr Bade B. Mr Vann C. Miss Agbenenovi D. Mr. Mallum
7. The rhymers are
A. the choir of St. Catherine School B. Jimi, Ansa and Nene C. group of five boys at Forcados high school D. Some girls at Forcados High School
8. Why did the Principal of
Forcados High School choose to reinvestigate the theft of the laboratory equipment?
A. He knows Jimi Solade couldn't do such things
B. He knows some bad gangs must have influenced Jimi Solade
C. Efua challenge at him during Jimia's public apology D. intervention of uncle Kazeem
9. ___________ arrived from United Kingdom for the burial of Kemi
A. Femi B. Wole C. Uncle Kazeem D. Aunt Memunat
10. One of these suffered from child abuse
A. Wole Solade B. Jolly Stephens C. Efua Coker D. Ansa Izaegbegbe
11. Mr Vann is the
A. Mathemaatics Teacher B.
English teacher C.Chemistry teacher D. Physics teacher
12. Funmi's reason for remarry is
A. for better life B. to have a man assist her in upbringing her only daughter C. to have more assistance D. for financial assistance
13. Unlike Jimi, Efua is
A. not close to her mother B. is good in all subject C. close to her mother D. none
14. The principal of Forcados high school is
A. Mrs Obanje B. Mr Mallum C. Mr Vann D. Mr Salami
15. According to the principal Miss. Agbenenovi is to occasionally fill in for
A. Mr Mallum B. Mr Bade C. Mr Mallum D. Mr Salami
16. Efua's attitude to people must have been influenced by
A. lack of motherly trust B. lack of motherly attention
C. memory of intimate harassment and violation D. all of the above
17. One of these do not attend the same primary school with with Jimi Solade
A. Nene Ekpo B. Jolly Stephens C. Efua Coker D. Ansa Izaegbegbe
18. _______ is the head boy of Forcados High School
A. Seyi Lawal B. Jimi Solade C. Ansa Izaegbegbe D. Jolly Stephens
19. _______ has unspoken contest will Jimi over chemistry result
A. Ansa B. Seyi C. Eze D. Jolly
20. Aunti Moni is
A. Mrs Solade B. Mrs Alli C. Mrs Ekpo D. Mrs. Izaegbegbe
21. Efua's was expelled from St. Catherine School because
A. she ran away from school without notice B. her defiant reply to the principal C. she perform woefully at the last exam D. she is sick
22. Ansa wants to study
A. Electrical Engineering B.
Architecture C. Medicine
D. Fine art
23. __________ photocopy Efua's letter to Miss, Novi and circulate it in the school
A. Nene Ekpo B. Jolly Stephens C. Ansa Izaegbegbe D. Seyi Lawal
24. Efua danced with _________ at Mid-term dinner of Forcados high School
A. Jolly B. Jide C. Jimi D. Ansa
25. Efua shared her life experience with
A. Nene Ekpo B. Mrs Tanimoro, the guidance counsellor C. Mr Mallum D. Mrs Ekpo
26. The head girl of Forcados high school is
A. Efua B. Nene C. Ada D. Caro
A. cancer B. shock C. ovarian cancer D. hypertension
2. ________is the principal of Sy. Catherine School
A. Mr Mallum B. Mrs Obanje C. Mr Vann D. Mr Tade
3. Efua can be described as
A. arrogant B. liar B. unfortunate and victim of circumstances D. spoilt child
4. ________ is fond of Jimi and called him by his full name Akinjimi
A. Risikat B. Mama Silifat C. Funmi D. Aunt Moni
5. ________ violated and sexually harassed Efua
A. Jimi Solade B. Jolly Stephens C. Efua's stepfather D. Ansa Izaegbegbe
6. _______ is nicknamed cane by the student
A. Mr Bade B. Mr Vann C. Miss Agbenenovi D. Mr. Mallum
7. The rhymers are
A. the choir of St. Catherine School B. Jimi, Ansa and Nene C. group of five boys at Forcados high school D. Some girls at Forcados High School
8. Why did the Principal of
Forcados High School choose to reinvestigate the theft of the laboratory equipment?
A. He knows Jimi Solade couldn't do such things
B. He knows some bad gangs must have influenced Jimi Solade
C. Efua challenge at him during Jimia's public apology D. intervention of uncle Kazeem
9. ___________ arrived from United Kingdom for the burial of Kemi
A. Femi B. Wole C. Uncle Kazeem D. Aunt Memunat
10. One of these suffered from child abuse
A. Wole Solade B. Jolly Stephens C. Efua Coker D. Ansa Izaegbegbe
11. Mr Vann is the
A. Mathemaatics Teacher B.
English teacher C.Chemistry teacher D. Physics teacher
12. Funmi's reason for remarry is
A. for better life B. to have a man assist her in upbringing her only daughter C. to have more assistance D. for financial assistance
13. Unlike Jimi, Efua is
A. not close to her mother B. is good in all subject C. close to her mother D. none
14. The principal of Forcados high school is
A. Mrs Obanje B. Mr Mallum C. Mr Vann D. Mr Salami
15. According to the principal Miss. Agbenenovi is to occasionally fill in for
A. Mr Mallum B. Mr Bade C. Mr Mallum D. Mr Salami
16. Efua's attitude to people must have been influenced by
A. lack of motherly trust B. lack of motherly attention
C. memory of intimate harassment and violation D. all of the above
17. One of these do not attend the same primary school with with Jimi Solade
A. Nene Ekpo B. Jolly Stephens C. Efua Coker D. Ansa Izaegbegbe
18. _______ is the head boy of Forcados High School
A. Seyi Lawal B. Jimi Solade C. Ansa Izaegbegbe D. Jolly Stephens
19. _______ has unspoken contest will Jimi over chemistry result
A. Ansa B. Seyi C. Eze D. Jolly
20. Aunti Moni is
A. Mrs Solade B. Mrs Alli C. Mrs Ekpo D. Mrs. Izaegbegbe
21. Efua's was expelled from St. Catherine School because
A. she ran away from school without notice B. her defiant reply to the principal C. she perform woefully at the last exam D. she is sick
22. Ansa wants to study
A. Electrical Engineering B.
Architecture C. Medicine
D. Fine art
23. __________ photocopy Efua's letter to Miss, Novi and circulate it in the school
A. Nene Ekpo B. Jolly Stephens C. Ansa Izaegbegbe D. Seyi Lawal
24. Efua danced with _________ at Mid-term dinner of Forcados high School
A. Jolly B. Jide C. Jimi D. Ansa
25. Efua shared her life experience with
A. Nene Ekpo B. Mrs Tanimoro, the guidance counsellor C. Mr Mallum D. Mrs Ekpo
26. The head girl of Forcados high school is
A. Efua B. Nene C. Ada D. Caro
7+ Best Ways to Grow Thicker, Longer Eyelashes Naturally
Many women invest in fake eyelashes and buy lash accelerator mascaras just to make their eyelashes appear longer and thicker. While these cosmetic products may give you that gorgeous look, they tend to do more harm than good in the long run.
Constantly gluing on fake eyelashes may cause your natural lashes thin out. What’s even worse is wearing fake eyelashes regularly for long stretches of time can cause bacteria to build up between the eyelash glue and fake lash. This may lead to serious eye infections that can give rise to vision problems. Applying tons of mascara daily, on the other hand, can sometimes damage your eyelashes and cause them to fall out in clumps.
Therefore, growing your eyelashes naturally is the best way to go if you want them to become fuller, longer, and attractive. And the great news is that you can grow thick lashes easily, safely, and inexpensively regardless of your genes. All you have to do is add a few natural ingredients to your daily beauty regimen.
Before we delve into the various natural ways of growing your lashes, let’s take a quick look at the growth cycle of eyelashes.
Do Eyelashes Grow Back?
Yes, eyelashes grow back when they fall off. In fact, the falling off and growing back of lashes is a natural cycle. In addition to shedding naturally, eyelashes can also fall off when you’re applying mascara, using an eyelash curler, or engaging in any activity aimed at styling your lashes.
Under normal circumstances, each fallen eyelash will simply grow back without any effort from you. However, the speed in which they do is determined largely by your diet and whether you’re giving your lashes enough breathing room and care. For eyelashes to grow back longer and fuller, a lot of effort and the right quality products are required.
While the falling off and growing back of eyelashes is normal, sudden acute loss of your lashes may be a sign of a serious underlying problem. Some of the conditions associated with sudden and severe eyelash loss include hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, and alopecia areata.
Therefore, it’s wise to consult your doctor if your eyelashes suddenly start falling out in clumps and take as much as 2 to 4 months to grow back.
Effectives Ways
There are countless of regimens for growing thicker and longer eyelashes that different people vouch for. Keep in mind, though, that not all beauty regimens work. If you want to try some of the proven and best ways to grow thicker, longer eyelashes fast, here are a few suggestions to get you started on the right path.
1. Eyelash Growth Serum
Lack of enough vitamins B, C, and fat-soluble vitamins has been cited as one of the most common causes of eyelash thinning and loss. Therefore, one of the best ways to get your eyelashes to grow back longer and thicker is to find a way to incorporate these vitamins into your diet. And what better way to do so than to make your very own eyelash growth serum that consists of these vitamins?
A simple yet effective eyelash growth serum can be made by mixing the following ingredients:
1/2 teaspoon coconut oil
1 teaspoon castor oil
1 teaspoon emu oil (you can also use extra castor oil as an alternative)
2 capsules vitamin E oil (optional)
Once you’ve properly mixed all of the listed ingredients, store the serum in a small dropper bottle. A dropper bottle helps to prevent wastage of the serum by enabling you to easily squeeze out a drop of the solution on your finger or cotton swab and gently apply onto your eyelash line.
The great thing about this homemade serum is that it can last for up to a year when stored in an airtight container. Therefore, you can double or triple the ingredients to ensure you have enough serum to last you through the year.
2. Home Remedies
Provided you’re not suffering from a serious health problem, fallen eyelashes will grow back naturally over time. However, if you don’t have the patience to wait for natural eyelash re-growth or want to increase your chances of your lashesgrowing back longer and more luscious, you can use the following home remedies.
3. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil can also be used as a standalone remedy for inducing eyelash growth. It is known for being rich in vitamins, essential nutrients, and can effectively renew scalp hair as well as lashes and eyebrows. It makes eyelashes longer, soft and shiny.
For the purpose of increasing the length and density of eyelashes, melt the oil (which should only take a few seconds on a stove or in the microwave) into a liquid and gently apply it with a clean mascara wand or a cotton ball daily till you get the desired results. Do not use it while it is still hot.
4. Vaseline
Constantly gluing on fake eyelashes may cause your natural lashes thin out. What’s even worse is wearing fake eyelashes regularly for long stretches of time can cause bacteria to build up between the eyelash glue and fake lash. This may lead to serious eye infections that can give rise to vision problems. Applying tons of mascara daily, on the other hand, can sometimes damage your eyelashes and cause them to fall out in clumps.
Therefore, growing your eyelashes naturally is the best way to go if you want them to become fuller, longer, and attractive. And the great news is that you can grow thick lashes easily, safely, and inexpensively regardless of your genes. All you have to do is add a few natural ingredients to your daily beauty regimen.
Before we delve into the various natural ways of growing your lashes, let’s take a quick look at the growth cycle of eyelashes.
Do Eyelashes Grow Back?
Yes, eyelashes grow back when they fall off. In fact, the falling off and growing back of lashes is a natural cycle. In addition to shedding naturally, eyelashes can also fall off when you’re applying mascara, using an eyelash curler, or engaging in any activity aimed at styling your lashes.
Under normal circumstances, each fallen eyelash will simply grow back without any effort from you. However, the speed in which they do is determined largely by your diet and whether you’re giving your lashes enough breathing room and care. For eyelashes to grow back longer and fuller, a lot of effort and the right quality products are required.
While the falling off and growing back of eyelashes is normal, sudden acute loss of your lashes may be a sign of a serious underlying problem. Some of the conditions associated with sudden and severe eyelash loss include hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, and alopecia areata.
Therefore, it’s wise to consult your doctor if your eyelashes suddenly start falling out in clumps and take as much as 2 to 4 months to grow back.
Effectives Ways
There are countless of regimens for growing thicker and longer eyelashes that different people vouch for. Keep in mind, though, that not all beauty regimens work. If you want to try some of the proven and best ways to grow thicker, longer eyelashes fast, here are a few suggestions to get you started on the right path.
1. Eyelash Growth Serum
Lack of enough vitamins B, C, and fat-soluble vitamins has been cited as one of the most common causes of eyelash thinning and loss. Therefore, one of the best ways to get your eyelashes to grow back longer and thicker is to find a way to incorporate these vitamins into your diet. And what better way to do so than to make your very own eyelash growth serum that consists of these vitamins?
A simple yet effective eyelash growth serum can be made by mixing the following ingredients:
1/2 teaspoon coconut oil
1 teaspoon castor oil
1 teaspoon emu oil (you can also use extra castor oil as an alternative)
2 capsules vitamin E oil (optional)
Once you’ve properly mixed all of the listed ingredients, store the serum in a small dropper bottle. A dropper bottle helps to prevent wastage of the serum by enabling you to easily squeeze out a drop of the solution on your finger or cotton swab and gently apply onto your eyelash line.
The great thing about this homemade serum is that it can last for up to a year when stored in an airtight container. Therefore, you can double or triple the ingredients to ensure you have enough serum to last you through the year.
2. Home Remedies
Provided you’re not suffering from a serious health problem, fallen eyelashes will grow back naturally over time. However, if you don’t have the patience to wait for natural eyelash re-growth or want to increase your chances of your lashesgrowing back longer and more luscious, you can use the following home remedies.
3. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil can also be used as a standalone remedy for inducing eyelash growth. It is known for being rich in vitamins, essential nutrients, and can effectively renew scalp hair as well as lashes and eyebrows. It makes eyelashes longer, soft and shiny.
For the purpose of increasing the length and density of eyelashes, melt the oil (which should only take a few seconds on a stove or in the microwave) into a liquid and gently apply it with a clean mascara wand or a cotton ball daily till you get the desired results. Do not use it while it is still hot.
4. Vaseline
Vaseline offers you an easy, cheap, and quick way of increasing the length and thickness of your lashes. The best way to make use of Vaseline is by swiping a little of it onto your eyelashes every night before bed. This enables the Vaseline to work its magic overnight and helping you to achieve faster results.
5. Brushing Your Eyelashes
As odd as it may sound, the simple act of brushing your eyelashes at least twice daily can accelerate their growth and allow them to become thicker. Daily brushing of the eyelashes softens and thickens the lashes while eliminating dirt and other particles that are clogging pores and making it difficult for hair to grow.
Additionally, regular brushing stimulates growth of lashes by boosting blood circulation, which in turn enables more nutrients to reach the hair follicles.
For best results, follow this simple brushing process:
Apply petroleum jelly onto your eyelashes (you can use your fingers or a fine eyelash brush/comb to do so).
Gently brush your eyelashes using slow upward strokes from the root of the lashes to the tips. Do this for about 5 minutes twice daily until you’ve achieved your desired results.
6. Olive Oil
Widely used for its hair thickening benefits, olive oil delivers the same results when applied onto your eyelashes. The oil features vitamin E and oleic acid, both of which add volume to eyelashes as well as nourish damaged lashes.
Olive oil also throws in the additional benefit of darkening the eyelashes. This benefit is particularly useful for people who have very light eyelashes that are not easily seen.
By applying olive oil to your lashes every night before going to bed, you’ll be able to see significant thicker, darker, and healthier eyelash growth within a month or two.
7. Castor Oil
Castor oil is a powerful ingredient that will benefit your lashes in several ways.
Firstly, the oil is a powerful follicle stimulator that encourages follicles to generate more lashes.
Secondly, castor oil gets rid of any microorganisms present in the lashes that are hampering growth.
And thirdly, castor oil will nourish your lashes and help them to become healthier, stronger, and resistant to breakage.
Castor oil on its own can give noticeable results when used daily. However, you can increase the oil’s effectiveness by mixing it with equal measures of vitamin E or fresh aloe vera gel.
Whichever way you choose to use castor oil, be sure to apply the oil before bedtime and rinse your lashes in the morning with warm water. Results will start showing after 2 to 3 months.
This video was shared this morning by a source showing where star boy artist Wizkid Allegedly breaks a bottle dammy krane’s head.
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How To Increase Your Height Effectively
The good news is that we can increase our height naturally. It is to be noted that about 20% or more of our body height depends upon external factors like our environment, activities and diet. If we follow certain basic rules in our daily lives, we can increase our height in a natural way.
Proper Sleep:
Studies have shown that when we take rest or sleep, our body grows and regenerates tissues. Proper sleep and rest are absolutely very necessary in a growing body. It is believed that Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is produced naturally during the time when wehave a sound, deep and slow wave sleep.As a rule, growing children and teenagers must have at least 8 to 11 hours of proper sleep every night so that they can reach their maximum height. It is advisable that you should take a warm bath before going to bed so that you have a sound sleep.
Strong Immune System
Certain childhood diseases can lead to stunted growth. These can be prevented by immunization at regular intervals and taking plenty of vitamin C. Consume citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit and lemon. You can keep your immune system strong by eating whole and fresh foods, legumes, whole grains, foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. Also avoid consuming processed and hydrogenated foods. This will help you to maintain a healthy immune system.Avoid Drugs and Smoking
It is extremely dangerous to take drugs and alcohol at a young age. Consuming these products can lead to stunted growth and malnutrition. Also reduce the intake of caffeine. Avoid taking steroids. They obstruct bone growth in young children, thereby affecting their height.Yoga Exercise
Research studies have also shown that yoga and proper breathing techniques can play a fantastic role in increasing your height naturally. It is said that when we inhale deeply during yoga exercises, we release the stress that causes tension in your back muscles, which in turn removes the obstacle to enhance growth of the body. There are also a number of yoga postures which are particularly helpful in increasing your height. We will discuss on yoga postures and exercises in our next article.Dammykrane blast wizkid on twitter,Accused him of stealing his Music And Being Fake
Anoda Beef Alert.
It’s coming, it’s coming. A war is coming between Wizkid and Dammykrane. Dammy just made a shocking revelation about how some people stopped him from beating Wizkid up after he stole several of
his works. He ended his rant by advising the “kid” to ask him for permission next time he wants to use his work.
He also told his fans on Twitter that he lost his brother last year and has no time for thieves or bullies.
See Tweet Below
Breast, exercises, health
There are a few main reasons why your breasts aren’t as big as you would like them. One of these reasons is because you might be suffering from some kind of genetic disorder.
Another possible reason some women have underdeveloped breasts is due to some kind of hormonal complication during puberty. If you’re suffering from a hormonal problem it’s best to seek theadvice of a gynaecological endocrinologist, who specializes in hormonal problems of females.
One of the best ways to increase breast size naturally is to focus on your daily diet. Keep in mind that eating these foods by themselves isn’t going to give you any huge growth, but if you include these foods in your daily natural breast enlargement routine they will definitely help give you great results (healthy and perky breasts).
Another benefit of eating these foods is that it will keep your overall body healthy as well. These foods are rich in phyto-estrogen(plant based estrogen), which will help stimulate your estrogen level and help with natural breast development. Some of the best foods to improve your body’s estrogen levels Include:
Just 1 cup of soymilk has around thirty milligrams of phyto-estrogen known as flavones. Soy milk is made from soy beans and it can be found in grocery stores.
Lignan is a type of phyto-estrogen that sesame seeds are packed with. Sesame seeds are a very popular food item often used to garnish certain dishes. Just a single ounce of sesame seeds has about eleven milligrams of estrogen in it.
Flaxseeds also contain a high amount of the phyto-estrogen known as lignans. In one ounce of flaxseeds there is about 85 milligrams of phyto-estrogen.
Another food you should consider implementing in your daily diet are soybeans. Soybeans are packed with isoflavones, which is another kind of phyto-estrogen.
Eat lots of fruits. It helps in delivering vast amount of vitamins to the body.
Vitamins are essential when you’re trying to grow yourbreasts naturally. The nutrition vitamins provide you with is not only important for breast development, but breast health also.
Think about it.
You need vitamins in order to keep your skin looking healthy. There’s no way you can have healthy looking breasts if you aren’t getting the vitamins your body needs. Check out some of the best vitamins to take for natural breast enhancement:
Vitamin A.
In order to keep your skin fully nourished you need vitamin A. Dry and flaky skin is what you’ll get when you don’t have enough vitamin A. You can get vitamin A supplements at your local grocery store.
Vitamin E
Taking 50mg of vitamin E per day is recommended in order to keep your skin and general health in top shape.
Vitamin C.
Collagen is a protein that is neccessary for your skin. The appearance of your skin depends on the quality of collagen in your skin. Vitamin C is a well known collagen producer. Help your body produce more collagen by taking vitamin C tablets..
Next Up, we are going to show you some exercise you can do to naturally increase your breast size and a product we had some feedback on. You can contact me on whatsapp for the ebook guide
@ 07038527402
How To Increase Your Breast Size Naturally
Increasing Your Breast Size Naturally.
There are a few main reasons why your breasts aren’t as big as you would like them. One of these reasons is because you might be suffering from some kind of genetic disorder.
Another possible reason some women have underdeveloped breasts is due to some kind of hormonal complication during puberty. If you’re suffering from a hormonal problem it’s best to seek theadvice of a gynaecological endocrinologist, who specializes in hormonal problems of females.
One of the best ways to increase breast size naturally is to focus on your daily diet. Keep in mind that eating these foods by themselves isn’t going to give you any huge growth, but if you include these foods in your daily natural breast enlargement routine they will definitely help give you great results (healthy and perky breasts).
Another benefit of eating these foods is that it will keep your overall body healthy as well. These foods are rich in phyto-estrogen(plant based estrogen), which will help stimulate your estrogen level and help with natural breast development. Some of the best foods to improve your body’s estrogen levels Include:
Just 1 cup of soymilk has around thirty milligrams of phyto-estrogen known as flavones. Soy milk is made from soy beans and it can be found in grocery stores.
Lignan is a type of phyto-estrogen that sesame seeds are packed with. Sesame seeds are a very popular food item often used to garnish certain dishes. Just a single ounce of sesame seeds has about eleven milligrams of estrogen in it.
Flaxseeds also contain a high amount of the phyto-estrogen known as lignans. In one ounce of flaxseeds there is about 85 milligrams of phyto-estrogen.
Another food you should consider implementing in your daily diet are soybeans. Soybeans are packed with isoflavones, which is another kind of phyto-estrogen.
Eat lots of fruits. It helps in delivering vast amount of vitamins to the body.
Vitamins are essential when you’re trying to grow yourbreasts naturally. The nutrition vitamins provide you with is not only important for breast development, but breast health also.
Think about it.
You need vitamins in order to keep your skin looking healthy. There’s no way you can have healthy looking breasts if you aren’t getting the vitamins your body needs. Check out some of the best vitamins to take for natural breast enhancement:
Vitamin A.
In order to keep your skin fully nourished you need vitamin A. Dry and flaky skin is what you’ll get when you don’t have enough vitamin A. You can get vitamin A supplements at your local grocery store.
Vitamin E
Taking 50mg of vitamin E per day is recommended in order to keep your skin and general health in top shape.
Vitamin C.
Collagen is a protein that is neccessary for your skin. The appearance of your skin depends on the quality of collagen in your skin. Vitamin C is a well known collagen producer. Help your body produce more collagen by taking vitamin C tablets..
Next Up, we are going to show you some exercise you can do to naturally increase your breast size and a product we had some feedback on. You can contact me on whatsapp for the ebook guide
@ 07038527402
Throw Back Picture Of Timaya In A Talent Hunt Competition Years Ago(Photos)
Today music star Timaya shared a throwback picture of him at a talent hunt competition years ago on his Instagram.
In the caption of the picture he wrote "U must always see your self as the strongest, always see your self as the greatest, believe in your self and have faith in GOD" .
Yes that was me in a talent hunt so many years back."
Timaya looks very young in the throwback picture, and it might take you a while for you to recognize the Dem Mama singer.
And today his now a star and the grand C.E.O of "DEM MAMA RECORDS"
what d you say about his new man??
Accident Involving 2 Trailers Rock Abeokuta-Lagos Expressway (Photos)
A road crash has been recorded with ma$$ive destruction of the vehicles involved in the South-Western part of Nigeria.
This tragedy happened along Abeokuta-Lagos expressway today; Thurday, January 7th, 2016 , involving two trucks that collided in Ota.
This ill-fated incident instantly led to the death of one of the drivers who was the only casualty. Security operatives were seen at the scene of the mishap trying to manage the situation.
See more photos:
How To Get Long Natural Hair

The Need For Hair Growth
In some people overall thinning of the hair occurs without any bald spot or patterns. The individual will that the hair is not thick or full as it previously was. There are many reasons for this hair loss condition and most of them can be effectively treated using home remedies for hair growth. It is normal for a healthy person to lose up to 100 hairs a day. Though the condition is very common, it is very tough to live with it as it may change your appearance.
Causes Of General Hair Loss
The important causes of general hair loss includes
• Rapid shedding of hair after child birth
• Hair loss after fever
• Sudden weight loss
• Some medications
• Certain illness and infections
• Severe stress
• Thyroid problems
• Anemia
• Age
• Poor diet
Symptoms Of Hair Loss
Hair thinning occurs very slowly and you may not notice the problem. Some of the important symptoms are
• Clumps of hair fall out
• Loss of more than 100 hairs in a day
• Thinning of the hairline
It is necessary to understand the cause for hair loss and treat it with appropriate home remedies for hair growth.
Good nutrition, good hygiene and adequate levels of vitamins and irons ensure the growth and health of the hair.
Home Remedies For Hair Growth
1. Aloe Vera.
Aloe Vera is an excellent remedy for hair growth.
Aloe Vera moisturizes the scalp and prevents dry itchy scalp it also balances the pH level of the scalp.
• Apply pure Aloe Vera gel on the scalp and massage for ten minutes
• Wait for a few hours and wash the hair with lukewarm water
• Repeat this remedy twice a week to get better results
2. Hot Oil Massage
This is an effective home remedy for hair growth. Massaging the head and scalp with hot oil will improve the blood flow to the scalp and rejuvenates the hair follicles. Oil massage also controls dandruff and prevents hair loss.
• Massage the scalp daily with lukewarm oil
• You can use almond oil, olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, rosemary oil or lavender oil to massage the scalp
• Leave the oil on hair at least for 30 minutes and wash it off
• You can keep the oil on the scalp overnight and wash it off next day morning to get better results
3. Onion Juice
This is one of the oldest and most efficient remedy forhair growth. The sulfur present in the onion juice promotes the production of collagen proteins and help in the growth of the hair.
• Take red onions or shallots and chop it into small pieces.
• Squeeze out the juice and apply it on the scalp
• Keep for 15 minutes and rinse off with mild shampoo
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
This vinegar keeps the scalp clean and healthy and prevents infections and dandruff. This helps to accelerate the hair growth. It also maintains the pH of the scalp.
• After shampooing your hair rinse your hair with diluted apple cider vinegar to have healthy and shiny hair.
5. Egg
Egg is a good remedy for hair growth. Applying an egg mask on the hair will provide it with proteins necessary for the growth of the new hair. The egg also contains essential nutrients for hair such as sulfur, zinc, selenium, iron, phosphorus etc.
• To an egg add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and honey and mix well
• Apply this paste over the hair and leave it for twenty minutes
• Rinse with cool water and mild shampoo
6. Green Tea
Green tea is rich in antioxidants and hence promotes hair growth. You can use it externally as well as internally as a home remedy for hair growth.
• Drinking green tea 3-4 times a day helps in the overall health of the body as well as for the growth of the hair.
• You can apply warm green tea on your scalp and leave it on hair for one hour
• Rinse off the green tea with cool water to get shiny and soft hair..
Using the remedy above you will be ecstatic with the results.
Contact me for any skin, hair or health treatment.
Phone: 07038527402

Bayo and his wife Ola received a letter from their daughter who went to study modern physics overseas.
~My beloved Parents, I miss u so much & it breaks my heart to think that by d time i get back, you will be too old. So, enclosed you will find a bottle of a red portion i have invented. It will make u young, so when i return, you will be the same age as i left u.
NOTE: "Pls, take only a drop."GoodBye i love u! So they opened the envelope & in it, is a bottle with a red portion. The man looked at his wife & says U go first". So Ola takes a drop, thereafter Bayo follows. Indeed d wife turns 5yrs younger.
Years later, the daughter returned home to find her mother young & pretty, carrying a baby on her back.
The mother proceeds to tell her daughter how d portion worked & made her look young. D daughter was happy & asks after her father . "Your Father? Hmmmmm,, ur father was so jealous dat i was so young and beautiful, so he drank the whole bottle. Whaaaat? So where is he?" replied her daughter.
Hmmmm, na him dey my back...
Pls share....don't laugh alone but remember- greed is a "destroyer.
~My beloved Parents, I miss u so much & it breaks my heart to think that by d time i get back, you will be too old. So, enclosed you will find a bottle of a red portion i have invented. It will make u young, so when i return, you will be the same age as i left u.
NOTE: "Pls, take only a drop."GoodBye i love u! So they opened the envelope & in it, is a bottle with a red portion. The man looked at his wife & says U go first". So Ola takes a drop, thereafter Bayo follows. Indeed d wife turns 5yrs younger.
Years later, the daughter returned home to find her mother young & pretty, carrying a baby on her back.
The mother proceeds to tell her daughter how d portion worked & made her look young. D daughter was happy & asks after her father . "Your Father? Hmmmmm,, ur father was so jealous dat i was so young and beautiful, so he drank the whole bottle. Whaaaat? So where is he?" replied her daughter.
Hmmmm, na him dey my back...
Pls share....don't laugh alone but remember- greed is a "destroyer.
How To Get Your Skin Healthy Beautiful Naturally
1.If you are one of those who love to indulge in long and hot showers then quit this habit of yours today. Long and hot showers strip off the natural moisture from the skin and make it dull and extremely dry.
2.Follow a weekly once routine of exfoliation using sugar and lemon juice as this will help in getting rid of the dead skin cells from the surface of the skin.
3.Next keep your skin well moisturized with a good moisturizer as this step will help in restoring the natural lustre and results in a healthy skin.
4.Before heading outdoors always make sure to use a good sunscreen as this will help in protecting the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun.
5.Avoiding excessive smoking and alcohol consumption is another great way to retain the skin’s natural moisture.
6.Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
7.Switch to snacking on dry fruits as they contain all the necessary vitamins for healthy skin. They even help in delaying all the signs of aging and making the skin appear younger and supple.
8.Include berries and bell peppers in your diet as they contain all the necessary nutrients and minerals to have a skin that glows with health.
9.A bowl of cherries is rich in antioxidants and can help in fighting the signs of aging and even prevents the skin from pigmentation.
10.Fish oils are rich in omega-3 fatty acids this needs to be a must in your every day diet if you are worried about how to get healthy skin naturally.
11.Banana’s are a rich source of vitamin C which is essential for the skin’s health so including this one fruit in your every day diet can work wonders on your skin.
12.Carrots are another root vegetable which is great for skin. It is a rich source of vitamin A which promotes the skin’s repair and health of the skin.
13.Green tea is one of the best healthy skin drinks. It is rich in antioxidants and also protects the skin from damage like pollution and UV Rays. Sipping green tea every day also fights the several signs of aging.
14.Okay, this sounds crazy but water is one of the best home remedies for healthy skin. Drinking about 3-4 litres water every day can make your skin supple and look younger by keeping it well hydrated. To get a Healthy skin naturally, water is a must.
15.Avocados are the ingredient which can provide awell-nourished and well maintained skin. Avocados are a rich source of healthy fats, vitamin A and C and are also rich in fibre. They can enhance the overall complexion as well as helps in fighting the signs of aging. So try to include avocados in your every day diet in salads or as a spread on sandwiches in the mornings.
Try these helpful tips to improve the skin benefits of the easy recipes posted above.
There are many over the counter drugs and syrups available
that promise to leave you with a healthy skin. But mostly these medicines or drugs are often expensive or laced with chemicals that can further damage your skin.
So, before youreach out to that drug to improve the overall health of your skin try these easy and highly effective home remedies for healthy skin.
The above mentioned recipes are quick and very helpful in treating the various skin concerns and also boost the skin’s health.
If any skin concern prolongs for a longer period of time orfeels excessively dry then always make sure to consult a skin specialist or a good dermatologist.
You can always contact us for inquiries on;
+234 703852402
+234 703 784 2678
2.Follow a weekly once routine of exfoliation using sugar and lemon juice as this will help in getting rid of the dead skin cells from the surface of the skin.
3.Next keep your skin well moisturized with a good moisturizer as this step will help in restoring the natural lustre and results in a healthy skin.
4.Before heading outdoors always make sure to use a good sunscreen as this will help in protecting the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun.
5.Avoiding excessive smoking and alcohol consumption is another great way to retain the skin’s natural moisture.
6.Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
7.Switch to snacking on dry fruits as they contain all the necessary vitamins for healthy skin. They even help in delaying all the signs of aging and making the skin appear younger and supple.
8.Include berries and bell peppers in your diet as they contain all the necessary nutrients and minerals to have a skin that glows with health.
9.A bowl of cherries is rich in antioxidants and can help in fighting the signs of aging and even prevents the skin from pigmentation.
10.Fish oils are rich in omega-3 fatty acids this needs to be a must in your every day diet if you are worried about how to get healthy skin naturally.
11.Banana’s are a rich source of vitamin C which is essential for the skin’s health so including this one fruit in your every day diet can work wonders on your skin.
12.Carrots are another root vegetable which is great for skin. It is a rich source of vitamin A which promotes the skin’s repair and health of the skin.
13.Green tea is one of the best healthy skin drinks. It is rich in antioxidants and also protects the skin from damage like pollution and UV Rays. Sipping green tea every day also fights the several signs of aging.
14.Okay, this sounds crazy but water is one of the best home remedies for healthy skin. Drinking about 3-4 litres water every day can make your skin supple and look younger by keeping it well hydrated. To get a Healthy skin naturally, water is a must.
15.Avocados are the ingredient which can provide awell-nourished and well maintained skin. Avocados are a rich source of healthy fats, vitamin A and C and are also rich in fibre. They can enhance the overall complexion as well as helps in fighting the signs of aging. So try to include avocados in your every day diet in salads or as a spread on sandwiches in the mornings.
Try these helpful tips to improve the skin benefits of the easy recipes posted above.
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The above mentioned recipes are quick and very helpful in treating the various skin concerns and also boost the skin’s health.
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Olamide Prostrated before Don Jazzy after Aliko Dangote Made Them End their Beef
Nigerians were shocked 3 days ago when Olamide and Don Jazzy had a big fallout at the Headies 2015 while on Live International TV, and the fight spilled over to Twitter and made a bloody mess.
Fast forward to two days later, a huger, bigger surprise lay in wait. The two super icons at the same time on Instagram and Twitter, released a photo along with a statement that said they had reconciled.
Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote was the brain behind the reconciliation. No, Vic O wasn’t
involved either.
I’m told that the picture we all saw of Olamide & Don Jazzy shaking hands was taken at Aliko’s place. Aliko Dangote stepped in for there to be peace. I’m also told that Olamide prostrated himself for Jazzy. Yes, my guy was shocked too when Olamide did that. All thanks to Dangote.
I’m told Jazzy has been angry since the incident happened, infact he wasn’t even talking to people.
He was angry especially because Olamide did something similar last year whenReekado Banks got the Headies 2014 Rookie award.
If you recall, the undisputed street King went on stage to receive his award at the 2014 Headies and while giving his speech for the “Best Rap Album of the year ”, he clearly stated his displeasure for the omission of his Label mate and protege “Lil Kesh” in the Rookie of the year Category, the category which was won by Mavin’s Reekado Banks.
Olamide took the mic said some stuff in Yoruba and then added “I dedicate this award to my n*gga “Lil Kesh” for the Rookie of the year , f*d*ck that sh*t” and then returned the mic.
Fast forward to 2015, my source says everybody that was sitting next to Jazzy was sad Olamide did what he did. I hope you know Olamide and Tiwa did a song together on her recent album plus Teebillz, Tiwa’s husband, I’m told, really loves and respects Olamide. I’m told the video of the song has not been finished sef, Olamide’s part has not been done sef.
People were not just happy that Olamide conducted himself in such a manner. That was why Jazzy said all he said on the podium. He had been pushed to the wall.
Olamide, you all already know, destroyed things back in Headies’ green room. I’m now exclusively told he also punched someone.
Anyways… Dangote called Jazzy, got Olamide’s number from him and then he called both parties to his house for the settlement.
And, EVERYONE is cool now sha.
My source says Reekadobanks will release a new single this January. His label did not expect to win Headies’ Next Rated.
How To Treat Bitter Taste in The Tongue
A lot of people are actually wondering why they always have a bitter taste in their mouth, and many often try to find ways on how to get rid of it. The first step to getting rid of this unfortunate taste is by finding what the cause is. There are various reasons why a person could have a bitter taste in the mouth. There are dental conditions like gingivitis, some medications or even gastroesophageal reflux disease (or GERD) that can leave a bitter taste in the mouth.
After a person has already pointed out what causes the taste, the following tips can be used to get rid of it. Source: Naturalnews
Materials Needed and the Procedure Getting Rid of the Bitter Taste >
1. Brush teeth, tongue and gums at least twice a day.
> Use a medicated mouthwash after brushing.
> After brushing the teeth, it is also important to use dental floss.
> This will help prevent the accumulation of bacteria between the teeth.
> There are some people who also get a tongue scraper to remove the bacteria that stay on the tongue.
> 2. Eat foods that stimulate the production of saliva.
> Foods like citrus fruits can help with the production of saliva.
> Grapefruits, lemons and oranges help get rid of the bitter taste that is left in the mouth .
> 3. Use baking soda and table salt on the toothbrush to brush the teeth.
> Measure equal amounts of salt and baking soda on the toothbrush and use it to brush the teeth. This can help get rid of any plaque and dental infections on the gums and teeth. This can be done twice a day.
> 4. If the cause of the bitter taste is GERD or indigestion, adjust one's eating time.
> It is best to eat small portions of food several times a day in order to relieve the symptoms. It is best to avoid eating fried and spicy foods.
> 5. Drink a lot of water.
> Water helps flush out any toxins that reside in the mouth, as well as reduce the amount of acids found in the stomach. This can help get rid of the bitter taste found in the mouth.
> 6. Use cinnamon or cloves.
> For those who have cloves or cinnamon at home, a teaspoon of either of these can be placed in the mouth several times daily in order to get rid of the taste.
> 7. Make use of regular peppermints or breath mints.
> These candies can help get rid of the bad taste in the mouth, which could be an effect of meals that are strongly flavored.
If there are no mints available, citrus-flavored candies will do. > If these home remedies do not work, it is best to seek the help of one's dentist.
These normal remedies are usually capable of getting rid of the bad taste. If the condition is persistent, ask the help of a medical professional or dentist for treatment.
This was a guest post written by Olabajo Oluwatobi david
You can catch him on Twitter @tobeetoe
You can also email him
11 Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Lips At Home
Dark lips are a common problem that affects lots of people. Women are more conscious about their complexion and facial features. Hence, they tend to try a wide range of cosmetics on their lips to make them look brighter and beautiful.
However, most of the products offer temporary results and long-lasting side effects. Cosmetics like lipsticks and lip glosses make the lips dry and darker. The best way to reverse such side effects is to try some home remedies for dark lips. In this review we will be discussing about some of the best herbal remedies for dark lips.
How to Get Rid of Dark Lips?
Try VigFx's 15-day trial of this awesome product
1. Honey And Lemon
Make a mixture of honey and lemon juice and store it in your refrigerator. Apply this mixture to your lips and let it stay for an hour. Cleanse your lips after one hour. Practice this remedy for 2 to 3 times. The citrus contents of lemon can reduce pigmentation. The nutrients in the honey help in nourishing the skin and making it healthier. Honey also helps in making your lips look more pinkish.
2. Glycerine
Dry lips are one of the reasons behind dark lips. Glycerine can help you to maintain the moisture in your lips. Apply iton your lips and leave it overnigh.
3. Water
Lack of water and dehydration causes dark and dry lips. In order to avoid this drink lot of water and keep your body well hydrated. This is one of the best dry lip remedies.
4. Beetroot
Beetroot is one of the best and the easiest home remedies for dark lips. Scrub a piece of beet root on your lips for 5 minutes. Leave it on for some time and allow your skin tosoak all the juice. This will make your lips pinkish in color.
5. Avoid Harmful Lip Products
Avoid using cheap and low quality lip products. They can ruin the natural beauty of your lips and cause extreme pigmentation. Switch to herbal lip products and make use of natural fruit juices and natural lip masks to reduce tanning and pigmentation of your lips.
6. Almond Oil
Use almond oil on your lips for reducing pigmentation. For best results apply it before going to bed.
7. Cucumber Juice
Cucumber juice is one of the best dark lip remedies that can help you in reducing pigmentation and improving the color of your lips.
If you have had issues with dark spots, skin marks, acne, here is a product relatively cheap and very impressive in it's actions.
8. Lemon
Lemon acts as a natural bleaching agent. It is traditionally used to lighten dark spots and patches on the skin. You can also use it as one of the most effective herbal remedies for dark lips.
*.Applying lemon juice on your lips can make your lips lighter. Follow this for a couple of months.*.You can scrub your lips with a piece of lemon to exfoliate your skin. Sprinkle some sugar on the lemon to make it more effective. Follow this for2 to 3 weeks.
*.You can also apply a mixture of lemon juice, honey and glycerin (1/2 tbsp each) for improvingthe complexion of your lips. After applying leaveit overnight. Practice this remedy until you get the desired results.
9. Rose
Rose helps in soothing and moisturizing your skin. It also improves the color of your lips.
*.Add some honey to rose water and apply the mixture on your lips. Repeat this thrice in a day.
*.Make a mixture rose petal paste, honey and butter (1 tbsp each). Scrub your lips with this mixture. Practice this remedy 2 to 3 times in a week.
*.Soak some petals of rose in raw milk. After an hour crush these petals and add ½ tbsp of honeyand some saffron. Apply this mixture on your lipsand let it stay for 15 minutes. Practice this twice in a day.
10. Olive Oil
Olive oil helps in softening and moisturizing your lips. It contains lots of essential nutrients that can make your lipsbeautiful.
*.Massage your lips with virgin olive oil. Practice this every night.
*.Make a natural scrub by mixing sugar with olive oil. Scrub this mixture on your lips to make it lighter. Practice this every week for a couple of months.
11. Sugar
Sugar is a good exfoliating material that can help you in removing all the dead skin cells from your lips.
*.Make a mixture of granulated sugar (3 tbsp) and butter (2 tbsp). Use this as a natural scrub and gently exfoliate your lips. Practice this remedy once in a week.
*.Mix granulated sugar (1 tbsp) with honey (1 tbsp) and almond oil (1/2 tbsp). Scrub this mixture on your lips to make it soft and lighter. Repeat this every week.
*.You can also make a natural scrub by simply mixing some cold cream with sugar. Use this once in a week
However, most of the products offer temporary results and long-lasting side effects. Cosmetics like lipsticks and lip glosses make the lips dry and darker. The best way to reverse such side effects is to try some home remedies for dark lips. In this review we will be discussing about some of the best herbal remedies for dark lips.
How to Get Rid of Dark Lips?
Try VigFx's 15-day trial of this awesome product
1. Honey And Lemon
Make a mixture of honey and lemon juice and store it in your refrigerator. Apply this mixture to your lips and let it stay for an hour. Cleanse your lips after one hour. Practice this remedy for 2 to 3 times. The citrus contents of lemon can reduce pigmentation. The nutrients in the honey help in nourishing the skin and making it healthier. Honey also helps in making your lips look more pinkish.
2. Glycerine
Dry lips are one of the reasons behind dark lips. Glycerine can help you to maintain the moisture in your lips. Apply iton your lips and leave it overnigh.
3. Water
Lack of water and dehydration causes dark and dry lips. In order to avoid this drink lot of water and keep your body well hydrated. This is one of the best dry lip remedies.
4. Beetroot
Beetroot is one of the best and the easiest home remedies for dark lips. Scrub a piece of beet root on your lips for 5 minutes. Leave it on for some time and allow your skin tosoak all the juice. This will make your lips pinkish in color.
5. Avoid Harmful Lip Products
Avoid using cheap and low quality lip products. They can ruin the natural beauty of your lips and cause extreme pigmentation. Switch to herbal lip products and make use of natural fruit juices and natural lip masks to reduce tanning and pigmentation of your lips.
6. Almond Oil
Use almond oil on your lips for reducing pigmentation. For best results apply it before going to bed.
7. Cucumber Juice
Cucumber juice is one of the best dark lip remedies that can help you in reducing pigmentation and improving the color of your lips.
If you have had issues with dark spots, skin marks, acne, here is a product relatively cheap and very impressive in it's actions.
8. Lemon
Lemon acts as a natural bleaching agent. It is traditionally used to lighten dark spots and patches on the skin. You can also use it as one of the most effective herbal remedies for dark lips.
*.Applying lemon juice on your lips can make your lips lighter. Follow this for a couple of months.*.You can scrub your lips with a piece of lemon to exfoliate your skin. Sprinkle some sugar on the lemon to make it more effective. Follow this for2 to 3 weeks.
*.You can also apply a mixture of lemon juice, honey and glycerin (1/2 tbsp each) for improvingthe complexion of your lips. After applying leaveit overnight. Practice this remedy until you get the desired results.
9. Rose
Rose helps in soothing and moisturizing your skin. It also improves the color of your lips.
*.Add some honey to rose water and apply the mixture on your lips. Repeat this thrice in a day.
*.Make a mixture rose petal paste, honey and butter (1 tbsp each). Scrub your lips with this mixture. Practice this remedy 2 to 3 times in a week.
*.Soak some petals of rose in raw milk. After an hour crush these petals and add ½ tbsp of honeyand some saffron. Apply this mixture on your lipsand let it stay for 15 minutes. Practice this twice in a day.
10. Olive Oil
Olive oil helps in softening and moisturizing your lips. It contains lots of essential nutrients that can make your lipsbeautiful.
*.Massage your lips with virgin olive oil. Practice this every night.
*.Make a natural scrub by mixing sugar with olive oil. Scrub this mixture on your lips to make it lighter. Practice this every week for a couple of months.
11. Sugar
Sugar is a good exfoliating material that can help you in removing all the dead skin cells from your lips.
*.Make a mixture of granulated sugar (3 tbsp) and butter (2 tbsp). Use this as a natural scrub and gently exfoliate your lips. Practice this remedy once in a week.
*.Mix granulated sugar (1 tbsp) with honey (1 tbsp) and almond oil (1/2 tbsp). Scrub this mixture on your lips to make it soft and lighter. Repeat this every week.
*.You can also make a natural scrub by simply mixing some cold cream with sugar. Use this once in a week
Costa and Cesc return, Use #CRYCHE to tweet on Crystal Palace Vs Chelsea Match
The Spanish duo have both made Guus Hiddink's starting line-up to face Crystal Palace at Selhurst Park, with Pedro and Nemanja Matic the players who drop to the bench
Diego Costa and Cesc Fabregas return to the Chelsea starting XI for Sunday's trip to Crystal Palace, as the Blues looking to continue their recent unbeaten streak.
Guus Hiddink was forced to play without a recognised striker against Manchester United last time out, with Costa suspended and Loic Remy and Radamel Falcao both injured, but a 0-0 draw at Old Trafford meant the club went three games unbeaten since Jose Mourinho was axed.
Costa starts up top at Selhurst Park, with Pedro the man to make way, while Fabregas is restored to the midfield after missing the match against United, with Nemanja Matic dropped.Unfortunately for Chelsea, Gary Cahill has been unable to shake off an ankle injury and is not even fit enough for a place on the bench, with Kurt Zouma partnering John Terry in the heart of the defence.
Use the hashtag #CRYCHE to tweet on Crystal Palace Vs Chelsea Fc on twitter.
Diego Costa and Cesc Fabregas return to the Chelsea starting XI for Sunday's trip to Crystal Palace, as the Blues looking to continue their recent unbeaten streak.
Guus Hiddink was forced to play without a recognised striker against Manchester United last time out, with Costa suspended and Loic Remy and Radamel Falcao both injured, but a 0-0 draw at Old Trafford meant the club went three games unbeaten since Jose Mourinho was axed.
Costa starts up top at Selhurst Park, with Pedro the man to make way, while Fabregas is restored to the midfield after missing the match against United, with Nemanja Matic dropped.Unfortunately for Chelsea, Gary Cahill has been unable to shake off an ankle injury and is not even fit enough for a place on the bench, with Kurt Zouma partnering John Terry in the heart of the defence.
Use the hashtag #CRYCHE to tweet on Crystal Palace Vs Chelsea Fc on twitter.
I can play as a Striker for Chelsea, Hazard Speaks
I can be the Central Player Uptop for ChelseaThe Belgium international admits he prefers to play on the left wing, but also enjoys leading the line, calling on Guus Hiddink to use him in that role if needed
Chelsea attacking midfielder Eden Hazard insists he is happy to operate as a striker despite preferring to play on the left. The 24-year-old started up front in Chelsea's 0-0 draw with Manchester United on Monday, for the third time in a month, with regular striker Diego Costa suspended for the trip to Old Trafford.
Costa has been under fire this season while injuries to Loic Remy and Radamel Falcao have limited the Blues' fire power throughout the season, and Hazard is willing to lead the line in future.
"I prefer to play on the left wing but if I have to play up front, why not?" he told the club's official website.
"It just means I need to come a bit deeper to get the ball at my feet but I enjoy it.
"It’s the same, my job is always to try to make the difference. When I play as a striker it’s important for me to get into the box when crosses come in and try to get across to the front post."
Hazard was pleased with his performance against United in a game he feels his side should have won, and is now targeting three points in their clash with Crystal Palace on Sunday.
"It was good," he said of his performance against Loius van Gaal's side.
"I just want to be on the pitch, it doesn’t matter if I’m on the left, right, in the ‘number 10’ or as a striker.
"When we don’t have a striker I can help the team out. I just try to do my job and against United I think I did my job.
"We were unlucky not to score a goal. The result could have been better but that’s football, a draw at Old Trafford is good.
"Now we play Crystal Palace and we want to start the second half of the season well, we need to start winning games."
Hazard has struggled for performance in 2015-16 season so far
Shii'tes are Bloody Terrorists, Sheikh Gumi Justifies Millitary Massacre In Zaria. Read The Full Interview
After studying medicine at Ahmadu Bello University (ABU)After studying medicine at Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, Dr Ahmad Abubakar Gumi joined the Army and rose to the rank of major. Afterwards, he retired and proceeded to Saudi Arabia to study Islamic Studies up to doctorate degree. Right now, Gumi lives in Kaduna, where he gives his weekly sermons.
In this interview with IBRAHEEM MUSA, the Islamic scholar spoke on the genesis of the Shiite Islamic sect, their activities in the last 40 years and the recent bloody clash between the sect and soldiers in Zaria
There is a news item which has gone viral on the internet, where you reportedly condemned the actions of soldiers over their recent clash with members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, otherwise known as the Shiites. Did the story emanate from you?
I have never said or written anything like that. In fact, on the contrary, what happened to Ibraheem El Zakzaky and his people was a divine intervention and punishment. Nobody can exactly explain how the incident happened, like lightening and with the magnitude of an earthquake. Not even the soldiers that were involved can explain to you what happened. Not even El Zakzaky that woke up that morning thought that such thing could happen. Not even the President or the governor was doing anything in anticipation of what happened. I can only say that this is divine. I have been for many years, telling them that in Islamic jurisprudence, when you are killed by the authorities, then your blood has been spilt uselessly. But Islam forbids sects fighting or killing each other. But if the killing is done by constituted authority, then you have no argument, for it is given power to maintain peace and order no matter what it costs.
So, I have been warning the Shiites for so many years. Exactly a year before the last incident, I wrote a letter to their leader, saying that there is a prescribed manner by which his followers should conduct themselves in public. In Islam, you cannot force anyone to believe in anything; you cannot enforce any creed or religion on people. But you should do your acts of worship without harming other people. I gave them this advice when I saw them blocking roads and punishing innocent, ignorant Nigerians by bringing them out in these hard times, to trek distances with their children to Zaria. By so doing, they blocked roads which is a big abomination in Islam.
The life of somebody may be at stake and you block the road where he or she will get succour. A woman can be in a dire medical need and she is being rushed to the hospital.
Somebody may have an urgent trip to make. Then you block the road, for what? No religion on earth says that you should block road or that you should undertake such a long trek with your family, all in the name of worship.
But don’t you think that the army overreacted by killing over 300people for just blocking the road when the Chief of Army Staff was being expected at the Nigerian Military Depot, Zaria?
Blocking the road was just the tip of the iceberg. You don’t know what else transpired and that is why there is a need for an investigation which government has promised.
The Shiites have been embarking on military training, producing cadets and soldiers. They were operating a state within a state. The Islamic Movement of Nigeria does not recognise the corporate entity of Nigeria. The group is not registered. They operate above the law and they get direct foreign aid.
The late President Umaru Yar’adua told me that there was a massive importation of ammunitions and weapons. He mentioned the South-South, where some of the militants surrendered their arms following the amnesty programme, then you have the North-East, just before this Boko Haram became so serious. And he said that in the North-West, Iran has been supplying things to Shittes. So, I see the clash between them and the army as a divine intervention to prevent us from a catastrophe like that of Boko Haram. It came suddenly and powerfully to eradicate and uproot any plan that they had to harm the society.
Why are you justifying the military action against the Shiites?
It is not a matter of justification. It has happened. And pre-destination is part of the article of faith in Islam. It has been decreed and it has happened.
So, I’m not justifying but explaining what happened. How it happened and why it took that dimension is another study for those who are probing the matter. But do you think that the army was justified to raze down the home of Zakzaky and his Hussainiyya Centre just because his people blocked the Army Chief from passing through Sokoto road in Zaria?
You are just looking at the symptom rather than the disease. A cancer that is afflicting a patient may appear as a scratch on the skin. So, if that kind of patient goes to the hospital with that scratch, you will think that he will be given an ointment and asked to go home. Then you hear that he is in the theatre. Don’t forget that Zakzaky created a state within a state. And the Army has been fighting Boko Haram. This Chief of Army Staff was ambushed by Boko Haram. With this psyche, his guards are battle ready coming out of the battle field and they suddenly saw the same scenario, what do you expect?
I have been one of the most vocal critics during the Goodluck Jonathan administration that they should remove the Army from cities because the Army is just trained to take away life on orders. So, they are not suitable for internal security. So, coming to argue with people with this kind of mentality, when the Army has a file of all your secret dealings, then you trigger them when you yourself are not ready Wallahi it was just Allah that made what happened to happen. No sensible person will block the way of a fighting Army.
Doesn’t El Zakzaky have brains? How can his people block the Army? Even if your house is blocking their firing range, you should desert it and let them finish the enemy. Then, you become the stumbling block?
Will I be correct to say that you are expressing esprit de corps for your former comrades at arms for their high handedness, seeing that you are a retired army officer yourself?
It is not about being an ex military officer. The military has rule of engagement. They don’t kill someone who is unarmed; they don’t kill women and so on. In the past, I have spoken against the military when I saw film clips of some soldiers beating Boko Haram suspects. When I saw soldiers asking them to slaughter each other, I criticised it.
But then, I was looking at one side of the story. When I saw the other side, I then understood the psychology that led our soldiers to do what they did. I saw several films of Boko Haram atrocities where they lined up boys like a bridge and the insurgents will be walking on their backs with pistols and shooting their heads one by one.
I have seen them slaughtering an officer. When I saw the decapitations, I then understood why the Army sometimes, behind back doors, has to take those extra-judicial measures because if they follow the rules of the game they will be cheated.
I then remembered the Prophet (SAW), when he spoke about the evils of these young men who will appear during the last days. He said that if I meet these young men who will come and be reading the QurĂ¡n upside down, I will kill then the way the people of A’adwere annihilated. So, what the Army is facing is an unconventional war. It is an inhumane war and it has no boundaries. So, if it is the only language that they understand, sometimes it becomes necessary to do so.
Why did the Americans detain terror suspects at Guntanamo Bay? Because detaining these atrocious young men in mainland America will be problematic because of their human rights laws. The coming of these kinds of sects was prophesied in the books of Islam. These young men are deceiving nations and causing mischief.
With all our under development, economic backwardness and ignorance, how can you create a state in a state?
El Zakzaky does not recognise Nigeria and he has his own caliphate. I challenged one former Governor of Sokoto State that he is a Shiite....
In this interview with IBRAHEEM MUSA, the Islamic scholar spoke on the genesis of the Shiite Islamic sect, their activities in the last 40 years and the recent bloody clash between the sect and soldiers in Zaria
There is a news item which has gone viral on the internet, where you reportedly condemned the actions of soldiers over their recent clash with members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, otherwise known as the Shiites. Did the story emanate from you?
I have never said or written anything like that. In fact, on the contrary, what happened to Ibraheem El Zakzaky and his people was a divine intervention and punishment. Nobody can exactly explain how the incident happened, like lightening and with the magnitude of an earthquake. Not even the soldiers that were involved can explain to you what happened. Not even El Zakzaky that woke up that morning thought that such thing could happen. Not even the President or the governor was doing anything in anticipation of what happened. I can only say that this is divine. I have been for many years, telling them that in Islamic jurisprudence, when you are killed by the authorities, then your blood has been spilt uselessly. But Islam forbids sects fighting or killing each other. But if the killing is done by constituted authority, then you have no argument, for it is given power to maintain peace and order no matter what it costs.
So, I have been warning the Shiites for so many years. Exactly a year before the last incident, I wrote a letter to their leader, saying that there is a prescribed manner by which his followers should conduct themselves in public. In Islam, you cannot force anyone to believe in anything; you cannot enforce any creed or religion on people. But you should do your acts of worship without harming other people. I gave them this advice when I saw them blocking roads and punishing innocent, ignorant Nigerians by bringing them out in these hard times, to trek distances with their children to Zaria. By so doing, they blocked roads which is a big abomination in Islam.
The life of somebody may be at stake and you block the road where he or she will get succour. A woman can be in a dire medical need and she is being rushed to the hospital.
Somebody may have an urgent trip to make. Then you block the road, for what? No religion on earth says that you should block road or that you should undertake such a long trek with your family, all in the name of worship.
But don’t you think that the army overreacted by killing over 300people for just blocking the road when the Chief of Army Staff was being expected at the Nigerian Military Depot, Zaria?
Blocking the road was just the tip of the iceberg. You don’t know what else transpired and that is why there is a need for an investigation which government has promised.
The Shiites have been embarking on military training, producing cadets and soldiers. They were operating a state within a state. The Islamic Movement of Nigeria does not recognise the corporate entity of Nigeria. The group is not registered. They operate above the law and they get direct foreign aid.
The late President Umaru Yar’adua told me that there was a massive importation of ammunitions and weapons. He mentioned the South-South, where some of the militants surrendered their arms following the amnesty programme, then you have the North-East, just before this Boko Haram became so serious. And he said that in the North-West, Iran has been supplying things to Shittes. So, I see the clash between them and the army as a divine intervention to prevent us from a catastrophe like that of Boko Haram. It came suddenly and powerfully to eradicate and uproot any plan that they had to harm the society.
Why are you justifying the military action against the Shiites?
It is not a matter of justification. It has happened. And pre-destination is part of the article of faith in Islam. It has been decreed and it has happened.
So, I’m not justifying but explaining what happened. How it happened and why it took that dimension is another study for those who are probing the matter. But do you think that the army was justified to raze down the home of Zakzaky and his Hussainiyya Centre just because his people blocked the Army Chief from passing through Sokoto road in Zaria?
You are just looking at the symptom rather than the disease. A cancer that is afflicting a patient may appear as a scratch on the skin. So, if that kind of patient goes to the hospital with that scratch, you will think that he will be given an ointment and asked to go home. Then you hear that he is in the theatre. Don’t forget that Zakzaky created a state within a state. And the Army has been fighting Boko Haram. This Chief of Army Staff was ambushed by Boko Haram. With this psyche, his guards are battle ready coming out of the battle field and they suddenly saw the same scenario, what do you expect?
I have been one of the most vocal critics during the Goodluck Jonathan administration that they should remove the Army from cities because the Army is just trained to take away life on orders. So, they are not suitable for internal security. So, coming to argue with people with this kind of mentality, when the Army has a file of all your secret dealings, then you trigger them when you yourself are not ready Wallahi it was just Allah that made what happened to happen. No sensible person will block the way of a fighting Army.
Doesn’t El Zakzaky have brains? How can his people block the Army? Even if your house is blocking their firing range, you should desert it and let them finish the enemy. Then, you become the stumbling block?
Will I be correct to say that you are expressing esprit de corps for your former comrades at arms for their high handedness, seeing that you are a retired army officer yourself?
It is not about being an ex military officer. The military has rule of engagement. They don’t kill someone who is unarmed; they don’t kill women and so on. In the past, I have spoken against the military when I saw film clips of some soldiers beating Boko Haram suspects. When I saw soldiers asking them to slaughter each other, I criticised it.
But then, I was looking at one side of the story. When I saw the other side, I then understood the psychology that led our soldiers to do what they did. I saw several films of Boko Haram atrocities where they lined up boys like a bridge and the insurgents will be walking on their backs with pistols and shooting their heads one by one.
I have seen them slaughtering an officer. When I saw the decapitations, I then understood why the Army sometimes, behind back doors, has to take those extra-judicial measures because if they follow the rules of the game they will be cheated.
I then remembered the Prophet (SAW), when he spoke about the evils of these young men who will appear during the last days. He said that if I meet these young men who will come and be reading the QurĂ¡n upside down, I will kill then the way the people of A’adwere annihilated. So, what the Army is facing is an unconventional war. It is an inhumane war and it has no boundaries. So, if it is the only language that they understand, sometimes it becomes necessary to do so.
Why did the Americans detain terror suspects at Guntanamo Bay? Because detaining these atrocious young men in mainland America will be problematic because of their human rights laws. The coming of these kinds of sects was prophesied in the books of Islam. These young men are deceiving nations and causing mischief.
With all our under development, economic backwardness and ignorance, how can you create a state in a state?
El Zakzaky does not recognise Nigeria and he has his own caliphate. I challenged one former Governor of Sokoto State that he is a Shiite....
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