
How To Get Red Lips Naturally

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How To Get Rid Of Dark Spot On Your Face

Dark spots Also Known As Hyper-pigmentation, is a skin condition that results from an accumulation of dark pigments underneath the skin. This condition can occur on any part of the body and can occur at any given time from your younger days to your olden ages.
Hyper-pigmentation can occur on all skin colors,they are mostly common on black or brown skin due to the high level of melanin presents in the body.
The first step in keeping dark spots under check is by knowing what causes them. By knowing the courses,you would be able to treat dark spots.

What Causes Dark Spot On The Face?

When the body produces excess amount of Melanin, its tends to cause dark spot on your face.
Other cases of abnormal production of this pigment can be triggered by several things including:

In many instances, pimples heal and leave behind dark spots. This is because all pimples place stress on the pores of the skin. This stress causes the body to produce more melanin than it normally would.
The production of melanin is further increased when one starts squeezing or irritating the pimples.When the melanin reaches excess amounts, dark spots form after the pimples fade off.

*Exposure to Sun Rays
UV rays tend to trigger the production of melanin. Therefore, staying under the sun for long periods of time without any form of sunglass can trigger the production of enough melanin to set off patches of dark spots.

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, the light waves from light bulbs affect the skin in the same way UV rays do.

This type of hyper-pigmentation is referred to as melasma and it tends to flare up when one is exposed to the sun. Therefore, you can easily avoid hyper-pigmentation from developing when undergoing hormonal changes by simply using sunscreen or staying away from sun.

How to Get Rid of Dark Spots on The Face With Home Remedies

Lemon/Lime Juice
Both lime and lemon are loaded with citric acid. Citric acid helps remove dead cells and stimulates the growth of new cells thus giving you healthier lighter skin.

This skin lightening benefit of citric acid helps to alleviate a variety of skin problems ranging from dark spots to acne scars and even uneven skin tone. Additionally, lemon and lime contain vitamin C, which also has the ability of lightening dark spots.

Using lemon/lime juice to treat dark spots is very easy and only requires you to:

Squeeze out the juice of a fresh lemon/lime.
Dip a cotton ball into the juice and rub it directly on the affected areas.
Allow the juice to stay on the skin for about 10 minutes and rinse off with water.
Lemon/lime juice is highly effective and can deliver noticeable results in just 2 weeks of daily application. Unfortunately, this home remedy option is not for everyone due to the acidic nature of these 2 fruits.

When applied to sensitive skin, citric acid can cause tingling sensations, reddening of the skin, slight burning on the skin, or other skin irritations. As mentioned earlier, irritations to the skin trigger increased production of melanin and this can worsen existing dark spots. Therefore, make sure to test the effects of citric acid on your skin before applying it onto the dark spot affected areas.

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera offers one of the best ways of dealing with all sorts of skin problems ranging from rashes, to burns, to dark spots.
Aloe vera also features moisturizing capabilities. Therefore, in addition to helping eliminate dark spots, aloe vera nourishes your skin making it healthy and beautiful.

Another great natural remedy for getting rid of dark spots is tomato. Tomatoes are loaded with antioxidants, which are well known for their skin nourishing benefits.
With continued use, the antioxidants in tomatoes will completely eliminate dark spots from your skin. Any other anti-oxidant rich foods such as green tea and oats, will work just as well as tomato.
Application Methods:

When using tomatoes, you can simply apply tomato slices onto your dark spots and leave them on for 15 minutes before rinsing with water.

Alternatively, you can make this home remedy option even more effective by:

Mixing half a teaspoon of tomato juice with a teaspoon of honey or any of the other mentioned home remedies.
Apply the mixture onto affected skin, leave it for 15 minutes, and then wash off.
Buttermilk contains lactic acid, which gradually reduces skin pigmentation while brightening and toning your overall complexion. This acid also helps to slough off dead skin cells thus reducing the appearance of spots on the skin.

Application Methods:

Using buttermilk is as simple as applying it directly on hyper-pigmentation affected skin, leaving it on for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinsing off with water.

Since buttermilk is available in most grocery stores, you’ll not have to prepare it yourself. However, if you prefer to make your own buttermilk, these are the steps to take:

Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice to a cup of low fat milk.
Let the mixture stand at room temperature for 15minutes and you will have yourself a cup of fresh buttermilk.

The pulp of watermelon contains several nutrients that help reduce sun damaged skin spots.

Circumin, the active ingredient in turmeric gives this spice antioxidant properties that assist in the elimination of dark spots.

Almond Oil
Contains a combination unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and phytosterols that even out the skin tone giving dark spots a lighter appearance.

Therefore, make sure to start using this home remedy option as soon as you notice the appearance of dark spots on your skin. The earlier you start, the easier and quicker it will be to get rid of those dark spots on your face.

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